Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tortoise is on the road

OK, so it seems really slow but I have taken a couple of steps forward. I had a massage last night and she did a lot of myofacial release work on my hips and low back. I was having a chicken and the egg paralysis by analysis time trying to figure out whether to have a massage or not. I usually reserve it for when I am training and need recovery so I felt that now I did not deserve it. Yeah that looks really stupid when I write it down! So, anyway, I was having a lot of trouble with my right hip and psoas so I made the appointment.

Lesson- it is easier to keep it going when you feel better. So the massage was a good idea and it loosened me up a lot. I even stretched before bed. I rode in to work this morning and had a nice start to the day. It was tempting to not ride as it was drizzling a little but as ever when you overcome that inertia, it turned out to be a nice ride, not too humid (this is Orlando!) and cool because it was overcast. I will ride home tonight and plan on a core workout tonight. Say Graeme do you have a hips in 5'?

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