Monday, October 13, 2008

Nice ride, stomach not nice still!

Sunday, up early again and felt good so I attempted a 62 mile ride with our Century Training Group. Everything seemed OK in the beginning though I could feel a little burn in my quads early on. I did my normal don't eat anything before the ride because I was up at 6am for a 7:30am start. Yes, it is Florida and it is still hot here so an early start. I felt OK as we did our first stop and mixed up more Sustained Energy and did the same at our second stop.

The ride was beautiful as we headed up to go around Lake Monroe. We took some of my favorite backroads where traffic is light and the few cars don't care if we are there. I noticed a couple of hours into the ride that my legs were tired- not a real suprise as I had just spent almost a week eating no protein. As we headed back in I found that my stomach was full and sloshing around but I was still really thirsty. My stomach was just not emptying. I am not sure if it was overload of SE, the hammer bar I ate at one of our stops, or the heat. Or something else entirely. I do know that I came home and spent the rest of the day in bed or not far from porcelain. I am grateful it is all coming out the rear end though! So, off to the grocery store for more yogurt and probiotics and try to get the digestion ironed out.

Next weekend is one of my favorite weekends, the Gainesville Cycling Festival. In 2004, 2005, and 2006 I did back to back centuries, Santa Fe on Saturday and Horse Farm Hundred on Sunday. I missed last year working up in CT. This year I am just going up for the 45 miles through the horse farms on Sunday with some of the Century Training Group. Ought to be a nice road trip. Next year though I want to do the double- what a fabulous weekend.

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