Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Raisin Bran

I was grocery shopping last night and while in the cereal aisle I overheard a young man say "I am going to be healthy and get the Raisin Bran". Now, of course I was curious and I looked at the cart he and a young woman were pushing away and I saw cases of soda, bags of Doritos, frozen pepperoni pizza- in short a plethora of good old american processed food.

I try to be careful about what I eat and I try to only eat things with one ingredient- milk, eggs, chicken, broccoli, whatever it is but I try to stay away from processed food. Now, first of all I thought this incident I observed was really funny. I mean, is the Raisin Bran really healthy in the context of all the rest of the stuff in that cart? But then, maybe they were shopping for someone else? And maybe it is not up to me to make a judgment? After all, I can only control what I put in my body, not control or comment on others.

But what really got me thinking was the incongruity of the picture of eating his cereal and feeling good about it but the rest of the day is putting crap into his system. That is inconsistent with his "healthy" intent. What do I do in my life that is incongruent in the same way? Well, the first thing that came to my mind was cycling and this blog. I have stated that I want to RAAM qualify. That will necessarily entail a training plan, discipline, and constant working towards that goal. I feel that my actions (lack of discipline, haphazard training, chocolate every night after dinner) are not consistent with my stated goal.

It is the perfect time of year for this introspection. I wonder if more New Years resolutions would stay strong if we all could either recognize the incongruence in ourselves, or if we could have really valuable friends who point those things out- (only at the most perfect receptive time of course, preferably over a piece of chocolate ;-)

Anyway, just some musings, hope you enjoy. And, so I could have some consistency- even though it was 10:30pm last night- I got a couple of Graeme's workout in 5' in- core and loose. Here's to congruence and the best New Year of your life so far.

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